We’re Off To Pray
We’re Off To Pray
by Sana Munshey
A thought-provoking tale about overcoming one's nafs (inner desires) and the distractions which take us away from performing salaah, told through rhyming verses making it relatable for children.
Includes: poster on how to make wudu & perform salah, as well as a related activity
Follow a young boy as he prepares to pray salaah, only to be distracted by his friends who come to play. He is then faced with deciding whether to pray or go to play. He eventually realises how good it feels to pray and then to go play thereafter.
“We hear the adhan It’s time to pray, ‘Allah is Great!’ Rise up, don’t delay!
“How do we do it? That’s easy you see, Our Prophet* taught us, ‘Pray just like me.'”
Format: Hardback with 32 pages
Recommended ages: 5+ years